Help us stop plastic pollution - Sign our petition!
“Ban single-use plastic bottles in the manufacture of soft drinks for the UK market”
We want the Government to take action to cut down plastic pollution by banning single-use plastic bottles in the manufacture of soft drinks in the UK.
You know when you go to get a meal deal, and you want to make the right choice for the planet, but all the drinks on offer are in plastic bottles? Or you are running for the train after a long day in the office and you need a little something to quench your thirst, but you can’t find a drink in a can or glass bottle anywhere - just plastic everywhere?
We feel you, so we are here to shout at the top of our lungs “End the OBSESSION with plastic bottles. Let’s stop choking up our oceans, and clogging our beaches and landfills with this unnecessary type of plastic bottle”
The way to tackle this problem is simple - the UK Government must ban the use of these harmful plastic bottles in soft drinks, and we as consumers must switch to using aluminum cans or glass instead.
You ask what does this mean for our favourite soft drinks? It means the companies who make these drinks need to take a green approach to their manufacturing process, and put our planet before their shareholders profits! They already manufacture drinks in more planet friendly cans and glass bottles, so they simply need to stop producing their drinks in the plastic bottle format. That simple change in their business policy will have a dramatic impact on our planet, without downsides at all.
We say planet before profits and support us in telling the Government to take action today, ban the use of plastic bottles for soft drinks.